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Player Auction 2019

Event Location: West Perth Football Club

Event Description:


How it works:

  • 70% of the total amount raised from the sale of all Lots makes up the dividend pool. 30% goes to the Club.
  • Lots of 3 Players with a range of abilities and strengths will be Auctioned off to the Highest bidder, 20 Lots in total.
  • Each week the League Coach and Reserves Coach will choose their Best on Ground. If a Player from your Lot is Best on Ground, you will receive the dividend payout during the week following the game.
  • That's 2 payout per week across 18 Rounds = 36 chances to win!
  • Weekly winners will be announced during match day presentations.

Example of return:

Total sale of all Lots = $20,000.00

Divedend pool amount = $777.00 return each week.

League game winner = $512.00 payout

Reserves game winner = 265.00